Pioneers of Queer Cinema program screening Mike Kuchar's SEASCAPE travels to Metrograph

Saturday, July 2nd @ 9:30pm

Barbara Hammer’s debut feature Nitrate Kisses (1992) integrates the experiences of a diverse sampling of figures from the LGBTQ+ community—including a mixed-race gay couple, representative of the S/M community, and an older lesbian couple—with footage from Lot in Sodom (1933), one of the first American films to make explicit reference to homosexuality. With Kenneth Anger’s Fireworks (1947), a shoot-the-works celebration of outlawed sexuality; Mike Kuchar’s Seascape (1984), a gorgeous landscape film of ancient and echoing meanings paying homage to a lithe young muse caught at intersection of land and sea; and At Least You Know You Exist (2011), trans artist Zachary Drucker’s collaboration with elder and activist Flawless Sabrina, both together onscreen after the latter gives a stirring recitation of an essay on the false promises of capitalism and consumption.